Tuesday 26 May 2009

Democracy at Work

His Excellency the President of the Republic of South Africa and his Fourth (or Second or Something) First Lady of the Presidential Harem (nobody really seems to know which number she is exactly).

Here His Excellency can be seen celebrating His triumphant electoral victory:

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Die mooiste monumente van die Boerenasie

Vredesmonument in Vereeniging met die leuse:
Gewond maar onoorwonne"

Sarel Cilliers Monument, Kroonstad

Sunday 10 May 2009

Children in the English concentration camps in South Africa

This is what our children looked like after they had lived for a while in the English concentration camps in South Africa in 1900-1902.

Perfidious Albion! The Boer nation will never forgive you and never forget what you did to our children!

Rest in peace, my dear ones, with the Angels, who love you!

We will avenge!

Saturday 9 May 2009

Gideon Scheepers - Boer Hero

uit FAK, Afrikaanse Kultuuralmanak, Johannesburg, 1980, bl. 59

Friday 8 May 2009

Boerejeug Verenigings Raad (BJVR)


"Enige Volk, nes enige mens, wat vergeet wie hy is, sal nie weet wie hy is nie, en sal nie kan droom oor wat hy nog kan wees nie." (Ons vir Jou - Blyspel)

Daar is reeds ‘n magdom van jeug organisasies/bewegings/stigtings wat almal in hul eie reg ons jeug op hul eie doelgerigte wyse probeer beskerm en bewaar. Dit het lank reeds tyd geword dat al hierdie organisasies/bewegings/stigtings SAAM die wa deur die drif trek, elkeen op sy unieke wyse.

Ons jeug word vervreem van wat en wie hulle is in die 'nuwe Suid-Afrika', alles omtrent ons voortbestaan word onderdruk. Ons Boerejeug aksie is spesifiek daar om ons jeug ingelig te hou van wie en wat hul is. Ons bevorder ons Geloftevolk se Geloof, Kultuur, Taal, Geskiedenis, Waardes en Beginsels.

Boerejeug nooi u hartlik uit om in gemoedelike atmosfeer u mede volksgenote te kom ontmoet by http://www.onsvirjou.org/BJ/index.php



Saturday 2 May 2009

General Pieter Cronje


The picture on the left shows General Pieter Cronje
, one of the great Boer leaders. On the right we see how he was successfully hunted down and humiliated by the cruel and rapacious British forces in 1900.

,,Dink nooit ofte nimmer, o Góliat, dat jy ons óóit sal oorheers!

Poog eers om te keer die opkoms van die son!"

(from "Die Opkoms van die Son" by Peter Cohen, 2009)

from Rosenthal, E., Encyclopaedia of Southern Africa, London,1973, p.136.

(click text to enlarge)